
Custom Layouts

Change the letter pattern to meet individual needs.
Logo of IssieBoard

IssieBoard is a customizable Hebrew keyboard app developed by SAP Laboratories in Israel, in collaboration with the Technology Consulting Center of Beit Issie Shapiro.

On-screen keyboard includes function keys and some other modifier keys such as insert, delete, home, end, page up, and page down.

SofType is a software utility which replaces the functionality of a desktop keyboard with a full-featured on-screen keyboard.

OnScreen with Word Complete

Software to facilitate and assist writing and speech.

On-screen keyboard in popup window without right side number keys.

KeyVit is a virtual keyboard displayed on-screen. Choose the keys and functions via mouse, trackball, joystick or by scanning.

Onscreen keyboard in light blue with black lettering.

An application displaying a virtual keyboard on the screen and is suitable for use on ultra-mobile PCs, tablet computers, kiosks, Surface, etc. 

On screen keyboards in four colors.

A  virtual keyboard that includes several features to make on-screen typing faster, easier, and more accurate. 

Screenshot of an on-screen keyboard with a light blue background and a series of menu options across the bottom.

An on-screen keyboard and adaptive/assistive technology software for individuals who have Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy or other conditions that make communicating difficult.

On-screen keyboard with word prediction, yellow keys, and black letters and punctuation.

Keeble is an iOS keyboard that allows users with fine motor-challenges, switch users and users with vision impairments to type in almost any app.

On-screen keyboard and target window.

An on-screen keyboard providing people with physical impairments full access to the computer.

An on screen keyboard in the AZERTY layout and with a number pad.

An on-screen keyboard that integrates the virtual mouse module ( Souricom ) and a word prediction module. Suitable for people whose disability does not allow the use of conventional or adapted pointing devices.