

Aids to the instructor to make lessons accessible, and aids for students to learn from lessons.
Screenshot of five squares arranged in 2 rows, each displaying an illustration of a different dinosaur. One dinosaur is currently selected (indicated with a red selection box), while the fifth square shows a question mark instead of a dinosaur.

Cause and effect training program for children with cognitive or severe physical disabilities.

Screenshot of a word bank with corresponding icons and a text input bar.

Voice-output word processor program designed for use by individuals with learning or cognitive disabilities. By selecting buttons, which hold words and graphics, users can write whole words, sentences, and stories.

Optron PCT.

A video magnifier designed for use by individuals with low vision.

Screenshot of a magnifying glass graphic with a magnified photo showing a receipt in the center of the magnifying glass.

Video magnification app for iOS designed for use by individuals with low vision.

Screenshot of a word processing-like program displaying math equations in the text input box and an extensive menu bar at the top.

Mathematics editing program that can be used by individuals who are blind or have low vision. It is compatible with most screen reading programs and a variety of assistive technology products used to access a computer.

An elderly woman wearing a camera device over her eyes, with the device strapped around her head similar to a headlamp. She is looking at a book with the camera, and a younger woman is beside her.

Wearable video magnifier and CCTV monitor system that allows individuals with low vision to magnify content. The magnifier is battery-operated and full-color.

An illustration of a hand on top of purple diamond shape and the IntelliTools brand name across the top left side.

A voice output word processor program designed for children and adults with cognitive and/or visual disabilities.

Screenshot of typed content with a word highlighted in yellow and a dialogue box hovering above.

Voice-output electronic book (e-book) reader app for Android that can be used by individuals who are blind or have low vision or other disabilities that make reading difficult.

Screenshot of word lookup function showing a window for a word at the top and various use options below.

A voice output dictionary that can be used by individuals who are blind or have low vision or learning disabilities.

Screenshot of summarization feature menu showing menu options across the top and instructions on how to summarize below.

Is a voice output reading, writing, and studying tool that can be used by individuals who are blind or have low vision or learning disabilities. It will read the many literature titles now available in electronic format (“E-Books or E-Text”) and documents in Standard Text, Microsoft Word, RTF (“Rich Text Format”), HTML, and DAISY formats.