
Educational Software

Technology assisted learning, in the classroom or independently.
Blue square with white bordered computer monitor in the middle and a square, red conversation bubble.

A Windows application for people with disabilities such as print and reading difficulties like dyslexia that enables them to record audio directly into Microsoft PowerPoint and Word files or as a regular audio file.

Image of Lime Lighter Leggiero model mounted on the music rack of a piano and displaying magnified music as white notes on a black background on a grand staff.

Software designed to enable people with low vision read print music. 

A square image with the word Clicker written across the top against a white background and three small blue squares against a blue background on the bottom half of the image.

A book creation tool suitable for elementary school students across the ability spectrum that is designed to be particularly effective when used to support children with dyslexia and struggling spellers.

Angled view of software box with red cover and name of product in lower left corner.

A software tool that enables teams to test, repair, and report on accessible PDF documents. 

A montage of the software, worksheets, and workbooks that are part of the curriculum.

A research- and standards-based curriculum for secondary students with moderate to severe intellectual disability or autism to learn language arts with age-appropriate novels.

Colorful software box with CD next to it.

A researched and standards-based program for secondary students with moderate to severe intellectual disability or autism learning language arts skills.

Software box with name of program on top and multiple colorful gears on the bottom. CD is pictured next to the box.

A  comprehensive and interactive number sense program that covers basic math concepts designed for students with moderate to severe intellectual disability or autism.

Software box with name of program and a pen, and a CD disk next to it.

A researched and standards-based approach for secondary students with significant disabilities practicing reading and writing skills.

Square image with speaker on top and notepad paper on bottom.

A productivity app that syncs recorded audio with the notes taken during a recording. The app is suited for children who are easily distracted or who may not understand something a teacher has said during a lesson.

Long, horizontal image of a street intersection, with marked pedestrian crossing lines in the middle.

An educational game and app designed for users with autism, special needs or learning disabilities.