

Accommodations for the workplace.
Gray rectangular device with a dB measuring scale in the upper left corner and a power switch to the right.

Ring loop amplifier and instrument that measures the magnetic field strengths of ring grinding systems. The device provides binding RMS values ​​via output level, response frequency, AGC (Automatic Gain Control) function, distortion, and background noise of the respective loop.

A dark blue background with a white and red envelope graphic.

Voice-output app that allows users to listen to emails read out loud. The app is gesture-based and was designed to help users quickly sort through unread mail in their inboxes.

Screenshot of main screen with menu button options across the top, a text input window below on the left, and a corrections window on the right.

A writing tool designed to help writers of all skill levels. It helps users compose small amounts of content prior to posting them to an application. 

Green vertical horizontal image with examples of the Tiresias font letters and numbers.

A low vision font family designed to have characters that are easy to distinguish from each other, which is especially important for the visually impaired. 

A device resembling a laptop with display opened. There are control buttons below it and two corded ultrasonic sensors.

A vet portable ultrasound machine designed for use by individuals with cognitive or severe physical disabilities. The device is portable, operates via touch screen and provides, real-time 4D as well as other advanced imaging technologies.

A blue rectangular device with a large yellow smiley face at the top. Below the smiley face, there is a square illustration of a child brushing their teeth with the words "brush teeth" in black font.

Compact, wall-mounted communicator devices designed for use by children with communication, cognitive, or emotional disabilities.

A magnifying glass graphic with a section of text seen through it. The magnifying glass itself is casting a rainbow prism onto the text.

A "reading glasses" app for iOS and Android, designed for those who have difficulty reading fine print and focusing on nearby objects.

Screenshot of sentence construction function, with three columns of word choices on the bottom and sentence window on the top.

A free program optimized for use on tablet computers, designed for people who have problems speaking. It can have the user's common phrases spoken by the default voice on the tablet PC. 

Screenshot of main menu, with four, long, horizontally stacked bars representing function options.

A free and open source Android application that turns a phone or tablet into an inexpensive augmentative and alternative communication device.

Screenshot of main menu with grid of control options and image of user on lower left.

An open source assistive communication tool developed for individuals living with paralysis or Locked-In Syndrome (LIS).