
Person to person speech

Use computer technology to help a non-vocal person speak, or a hearing-impaired person listen
Alternative Vocabulary 1: 
speech, communication, text, software, communicate, voice, touch
Alternative Vocabulary 2: 
picture, talk, screen, using, speak, pictures, device, image, without, assistive, words, alternative, disability, augmentative, visual
Alternative Vocabulary 3: 
keyboard, nonverbal, technology, aac, disabled, impaired, email, messaging, audio, tool, accessibility, read, aloud, computers, language, devices, programs, instant, options, non, communicator, output, type, input, others, interface, reader, content, app, communications
Alternative Vocabulary 4: 
talking, non-verbal, touchscreen, typing, translator, program, speechless, replacement, select, message, feature, control, communicating, generating, text-to-speech, word, apps, messages, applications, commands, translate, convert, assistance, replace, board, easy, mute, replacer, learning, speaks, alternate, speaking, assistant, impairment, find, verbal, spoken, pictographs, controlling, inability, key, auto, correct, ways, keys, specs, free, converter, eye, methods, chat, direct, voiceless, assisted, messenger, alternatives, exchange, tools, replacing, back
Alternative Vocabulary 5: 
driven, silent, navigation, action, selected, based, generation, ac, electronic, mobile, text-to-voice, voicing, code, techniques, computer-assisted, communicative, friendly, game, supplement, panel, made, pictorial, icon, extract, see, chatty, choose, tablet, maker, turn, communicates, users, click, method, tts, dictate, express, stephen, hawking, recognition, controls, command, selection, bypassing, images, speakers, visuals, digital, non-speech, cognitive, speaker, learner, substitution, audible, item, instead, narration, tap, on-screen, graphical, cognition, simplified, simplify, developmentally, delayed, auditory, pointer, accessible, vocalize, just, referenced, includes, spell, predictive, unable, strategies, generator, wireless, mouse, dedicated, gaze, tracking, prediction, macros, adaptive, keyboards, impairments, symbols, simple, earphones, hear, friends, ability, connect, pad, solutions, technologies, portable, service, transform, text-to-audio, slurred, disorder, video, calling, texting, across, wait, typed, press, enter, send, im, compose, search, acoustic, rooms, messengers, e-mail, organizations, assisting, written, turning, repeat, delay, eyes, deaf, functionality, multiple, languages, automatically, sticky, smart, phone, automated, sending, systems
Able AAC Logo with a finger pointing to a rectangular blue speech bubble and speaker button saying Hello. Below are the letters A, B, and C.

An evaluation Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch designed specifically for individuals who have difficulty speaking or are nonverbal.

White circular device with green light at top center and smaller black circular device embedded in the center.

A series of portable speech generating devices with varying levels of messages and communication features.

A small, grey, and rectangular device with eight black squares.

Message communicator for up to eight messages at a time.

13" tablet in protective case and handle displaying a 6x6 grid symbol menu on its screen.

The ProSlate Series are iOS-based speech generation devices available in various sizes that work with augmented and alternative communication (AAC) apps.

A green background with two white conversation bubbles overlapping.

An app designed for teens and adults with autism and other developmental and communication challenges. It is specifically focused on the more cognitively challenged.

Tablet device with a camera mounted at the bottom of the screen and an onscreen keyboard.

A communication device for people whose only means of communication is with their eyes. It is classified as a speech generator (SGD).

An app on an iPad showing a grid of icons representing various action verbs.

A Full Vocabulary AAC Language App designed to meet the communication needs of children with autism. 

The Say Hi AAC logo. It has a lime green backdrop, with the word "hi!" written in a cursive, handwriting-style font. The word is in white, while the quotation marks around it are dark grey.

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and navigation iPad application that brings the world of basic communication to people with severe physical disabilities, limited movement, and/or challenged dexterity through pages with groups of words or phrase boxes. 

Angled view of tablet screen with black border.

Augmentative communication systems combining tablet-style form, function, and features packaged with Tobii Dynavox Compass software.

Rectangular white tablet displaying the home screen.

A communication device with an integrated mobile phone.