
Switch Interfaces

Methods to connect a switch to an information device that doesn't have built-in support
Alternative Vocabulary 1: 
switch, control, mouse, keyboard, button, cursor, simple, selection
Alternative Vocabulary 2: 
one, input, disabled, using, single, select, screen, selector, accessibility, item, highlight, options, voice, text, alternative, without, scanning, software
Alternative Vocabulary 3: 
movement, easy, controls, highlighted, hands, controlled, solutions, switches, key, auto, controller, controlling, click, devices, assistive, device, adaptive, disability, free, touch, keys, instead, program, technology, mobility, press, yes, feature, commands, interface, macro, alternatives, handicapped, turn
Alternative Vocabulary 4: 
keyboards, on-screen, allows, assistant, assisted, highlighter, foot, toggle, tab, word, simplified, hands-free, hardware, limited, external, items, find, mouse-click, physically, windows, hand, alternate, type, interfaces, search, paralyzed, scan, focus, icon, switcher, automated, smart, arm, eye, clicker, solution, binary, navigate, activated, mouseless, remote, assistance, used, physical, option, handicap, move, arms, hit, track, ball, head, operations, pad, operation, replace, mode, programs, impaired, modified, individual, usage, impairment, look, cortana, google, replacements, speech, tools, talk
Alternative Vocabulary 5: 
configure, acceptance, delay, pointers, hands-off, ad, ons, step, emulation, cursor-selector, self-scrolling, menu, called, moving, hopping, locator, swap, icons, looper, bios, finger, mover, floating, command, revolving, selectable, switch-control, letter, letters, navigation, switched, shifting, script, moves, hits, light, need, hover, hovering, selects, clicked, enable, tool, selecting, choosing, handicaps, system, automatic, cursors, non, virtual, zoom, shortcut, bigger, movements, choice, picker, webpage, tactile, selected, read, difficulty, legs, tech, caret, browsing, switch-operated, operating, rather, eyegaze, tecla, tash, enabling, repeat, breath, mini, cups, egg, ask, specialist, usb, bluetooth, connection, enabler, buttons, pre-programmed, works, add-on, though, possible, place, total, given, area, mapping, remapping, typing, os, modifying, mod, trouble, unable, methods, simplifying, functions, creating, patterns, all-in-one, comprehensive, peripheral, aid, assign, multiple, map, combing, setup, impairments, new, interaction, technologies, guided, fits, start-up, limbs, disabilities, console, see, verbal, actions, putting, multi-function, henry, implemented, limb, best, paralysis, hotkeys, accessory, adapter, equipment, computers, ways, inputs, peripherals, mice, replacement, work, recognition, replicate, push, web, reading, activation, online, non-standard, information, peddle, reviews, tap, board
A large round red button with three inputs on the side.

iPad Wireless Switches, available with one switch or two, allow control of compatible apps on a Bluetooth-equipped electronic device.

Small black device attached to a long black arm with a small black device at the end.

A wireless, multipurpose contactless puff switch that enables users to control most assistive technology systems.

Box with six 3.5mm switch connection jacks and 30 pin dock connector.

A switch input adapter to operate an iPad or another iOS device.

Black, rectangular device with three 3.5mm jacks on the side and product name on the top.

Three-switch input adapters for iOS devices that use the Lightning or 30-pin connector.

Rectangular USB device with 8 3.5mm jack switch inputs along bottom edge.

Connect up to eight switches to a computer USB port and use them with several different applications that offer switch access. The computer recognizes the device as a joystick and with the software provided it is possible to convert the inputs into mouse or keyboard signals.

Device with five switches plugged into it and a connector.

The TASH CA 5 4353 connects up to five different sensors to 9-pin connectors.

Rectilinear device with switch adapter connected on one side and the charging cable to the adjacent right side

The Flexi Adaptor is a general purpose adaptor that can be used with most low voltage switch adapted devices including battery powered toys, music players and other sensory devices.

A standard, wired mouse with left and right click buttons, and a switch input on the right side.

The Switch adapted Mouse has a standard 3.5mm socket which will accept any of our wide range of switches.  They have a USB plug and also have a PS2 adaptor.

Square switch with logo across the top, lightning connector on top edge, and two jacks on bottom edge.

Switch interface allowing switch access to iOS devices.

Otto Bock Bluetooth module.

Module that allows two bluetooth devices to be used in parallel using the wheelchair joystick.