
Switch Software

Software to allow access switches to generate game commands.
Alternative Vocabulary 1: 
switch, control, mouse, keyboard, button, cursor, simple, selection
Alternative Vocabulary 2: 
one, input, disabled, using, single, select, screen, selector, accessibility, item, highlight, options, voice, text, alternative, without, scanning, software
Alternative Vocabulary 3: 
movement, easy, controls, highlighted, hands, controlled, solutions, switches, key, auto, controller, controlling, click, devices, assistive, device, adaptive, disability, free, touch, keys, instead, program, technology, mobility, press, yes, feature, commands, interface, macro, alternatives, handicapped, turn
Alternative Vocabulary 4: 
keyboards, on-screen, allows, assistant, assisted, highlighter, foot, toggle, tab, word, simplified, hands-free, hardware, limited, external, items, find, mouse-click, physically, windows, hand, alternate, type, interfaces, search, paralyzed, scan, focus, icon, switcher, automated, smart, arm, eye, clicker, solution, binary, navigate, activated, mouseless, remote, assistance, used, physical, option, handicap, move, arms, hit, track, ball, head, operations, pad, operation, replace, mode, programs, impaired, modified, individual, usage, impairment, look, cortana, google, replacements, speech, tools, talk
Alternative Vocabulary 5: 
configure, acceptance, delay, pointers, hands-off, ad, ons, step, emulation, cursor-selector, self-scrolling, menu, called, moving, hopping, locator, swap, icons, looper, bios, finger, mover, floating, command, revolving, selectable, switch-control, letter, letters, navigation, switched, shifting, script, moves, hits, light, need, hover, hovering, selects, clicked, enable, tool, selecting, choosing, handicaps, system, automatic, cursors, non, virtual, zoom, shortcut, bigger, movements, choice, picker, webpage, tactile, selected, read, difficulty, legs, tech, caret, browsing, switch-operated, operating, rather, eyegaze, tecla, tash, enabling, repeat, breath, mini, cups, egg, ask, specialist, usb, bluetooth, connection, enabler, buttons, pre-programmed, works, add-on, though, possible, place, total, given, area, mapping, remapping, typing, os, modifying, mod, trouble, unable, methods, simplifying, functions, creating, patterns, all-in-one, comprehensive, peripheral, aid, assign, multiple, map, combing, setup, impairments, new, interaction, technologies, guided, fits, start-up, limbs, disabilities, console, see, verbal, actions, putting, multi-function, henry, implemented, limb, best, paralysis, hotkeys, accessory, adapter, equipment, computers, ways, inputs, peripherals, mice, replacement, work, recognition, replicate, push, web, reading, activation, online, non-standard, information, peddle, reviews, tap, board
A blue round disk with a black base and a butterfly and water drop logo in the middle and the letters WR below it.

An ability switch with a silent click and soft edges. It comes in six different colors, and in diameters of either 30 and 50 mm.

A long metal wand with a foam disk at the end.

A switch activated by pushing it slightly to the side. Requires little pressure.

A tablet screen with menu options including color on screen, logical reasoning, improvisation, counting, cosmo hero, showdown.

Cosmo is a tablet device with luminous contacts specially designed for iPad activities.  It can be used for learning and activities throughout the class or at home.

A white, rectangular device with a round white socket at the top.

A Plug'n'Play device that can turn on and off all types of devices and contact-based devices, either via a BJ control or an external switch. 

A black rectangular device with two mounting holes on the end and a cord on the bottom.

A switch that has a small package size and can easily fit into small places.

Non-Adjustable Proximity Switch

A general-purpose switch. This proximity sensor is small enough to use as a head switch and sensitive enough to activate through a padded headrest or lap tray.

A gray, circular device with a black base.

A round switch suitable for users who need to use their head to activate a switch. 

A yellow rectangular device with a green light and a yellow light on the front and a cord at the bottom.

Switch that provides a range of activation distances. Proximity sensors can be activated when a body part comes into its range without actually touching the switch.

Yellow round ball of stretchy noodles on top of a round blue plastic base.

A neon stretchy noodle switch.

Fifteen colorful software boxes staggered standing next to each other.

An assortment of 15 early learning and special education interactive software created for switch use. Each program includes accessibility controls for switch use.