
Using Computer for some activity or support

Applications of computer technology to tasks that able-bodied users are able to do without assistance.
A page from Just Gesture's software featuring a mouse and a list of commands for gesture assignment.

Software that allows users to create mouse gestures with user-defined actions; users can use mouse movements and click combinations. Just Gestures will recognize gestures and invoke the appropriate actions.

Laptop with smaller window with magnification of text.

MagniLink iMax provides magnification, contour enhancement, and pointer settings as well as screenreading with high-quality speech output.

Braille keyboard and iPhone interface with arrows indicating back and forth communication.

A multilingual face-to-face conversation app for deaf-blind people.

Look2learn with phrase "I want Apple" and a button to select an image.

An AAC app with preloaded photos and vocal output. The user's voice can also be added to the pictures.

MagniLink Read software

MagniLink Read (MLREAD) is a program used in conjunction with a flatbed scanner or a camera scanner to scan an image and convert it into speech using an OCR unit. The text is then converted to speech using a text-to-speech engine.

Screenshot of 3x5 square grid of stick/symbol illustrated question phrases.

A series of full-featured communication apps for individuals who have difficulty using their natural voice. They are designed for individuals with Autism, Down Syndrome, ALS, apraxia, stroke, or other conditions that affect a person’s ability to use natural speech.

iPad displaying the alphabet in a grid.

SoundingBoard allows you to use your iPad, iPhone, or iPod to create custom boards with up to 20 message locations using AbleNet symbols or your own photos.

JayBee communication software with phrases and an onscreen QWERTY keyboard.

A communication software product for literate individuals. It is based around flexible word and phrase prediction.

A black and white image of the software packaging and two floppy disks of the software.

Braille creation software.

Screenshot displaying images of places such as a bathroom, baseball field, and basketball court.

A picture-to-speech communication system for non-verbal or verbally challenged users.