
Using Computer for some activity or support

Applications of computer technology to tasks that able-bodied users are able to do without assistance.
AMIS: DAISY 2.02 & DAISY 3 Playback Software default view mode screen.

A software program that users can use to read DAISY books. It is self-voicing, meaning that no specialized screen-reading software is needed in order for it to be used by visually impaired people.

Text input window with menu buttons labeled from left to right "clear," "read this for me," and an email icon button above a qwerty keyboard.

A text-to-speech app for compatible iOS, iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch devices.

Grace application in a smartphone featuring the categories menu where users can choose options such as "sentence markers" or "colors."

An evidence-based picture exchange app designed to encourage and reward independent communication through the use of images. While created with and for people with autism, it can be used by anyone with a speech disability or delay.

Screenshot of pictographic menu with options such as home, core words, activities, and phrases.

An app that enables Android or iOS devices to serve as augmentative communication devices. Users can publish Alexicom augmentative communication pages to their devices. 

Equaleyes Accessibility menu with icons: phone, call log, phonebook, clock, messages, reminder, status, and tutorials.

An android solution designed to make smartphones accessible and uncluttered for people with visual, cognitive and fine motor skill impairments, or who are new to digital technology. It has Voice & tactile feedback, talkback compatible with text recognition, and works as a launcher for the user's core functions.

List of categories such as greetings, chit chat, questions, comments, and other options.

An app designed for those who have lost their ability to speak but can read, it enables individuals a way to “speak” by either typing or choosing from existing topics and phrases, or by adding new ones.

A window where the user can select the voice they want for text to speech.

A text to speech application, which sits in the taskbar. It can be configured to automatically read whatever is copied to the clipboard, or the clipboard can be read by pressing a hotkey combination. 

Speak It! on an iphone with a text field and voice options.

An app for converting written words into spoken words. Copy emails, documents, web pages, PDF files, and more; paste them into Speak it! and have the text spoken. Users can create the same quality audio files of the text-to-speech which can then be emailed. 

Screen shot of a pictogram image selection menu showing a 3x2 grid of symbols.

An augmentative and alternative communications (AAC) app that enables people with communication difficulties to express their needs and desires to those around them.

WordRead software box, which is black with a blue "wave" graphic.

Text-to-speech and screen reader software.