
Assists with Time Management/Scheduling

Screenshot of a training status form with text entry boxes and check boxes.

A tool optimized to make worksheets and forms accessible. It is designed for filling out forms and adding annotations to existing PDF files or worksheets.

Green software box with an image of an owl on a branch and the product name underneath. Leaning against the box is a CD.

A program for students with disabilities to learn functional vocabulary words.

Long, narrow rectangular popup window with time and date displayed in large type.

A free program for blind and visually-impaired people that is designed to help people keep track of the time and remind themselves of things like appointments during the day.

Screenshot showing image of a boy eating cereal at the top and three image blocks along the bottom with a pointer places images in each.

A Windows-based program developed specifically for students with special needs that focuses on the cognitive skill of arranging pictures in a chronological sequence.  

A collage of four learning tools, including a desktop computer display, a laptop display outlined in black, and a small, white-rimmed tablet. A the end is a small booklet.

A cloud-based platform designed specifically to give students with complex learning needs meaningful access to the general education curriculum. 

Laptop with display outlined in black and inside showing two rows of menu icons. A white-bordered tablet computer is leaning against it.

A comprehensive, integrated online solution that offers evidence-based strategies designed to empower individual self-regulation and executive functioning.

Several different models of medication reminders. One is a smartphone app; another resembles a digital timer. Two models resemble standard pillboxes, but with LCD panels and various menu buttons.

Allow individuals with cognitive or memory impairments to be alerted when it is time to take a medication dosage.

A tall, black, and cylindrical device resembling a tower. A quote reads, "Alexa, what's the weather?"

Hands-free speaker users control with their voice that is linked to the Amazon Alexa Voice Service, a virtual assistant.  

Large rectangular image with three colored vertical bars surrounded by a black border.

A timer app for iOS devices designed for use by parents and teachers working with children with autism or other developmental or cognitive disabilities.