
Controls can be discriminated by touch

Small beige recording device sown on top a wearable wrist strap.

A wearable dedicated speech generating device. Includes an integrated rechargeable battery. TalkTrac features four messages and two levels for a total of eight individual messages.

A small, grey, and rectangular device with eight black squares.

Message communicator for up to eight messages at a time.

Angled view of tablet screen with black border.

Augmentative communication systems combining tablet-style form, function, and features packaged with Tobii Dynavox Compass software.

Round beige-colored "pillow" that contains a switch inside.

A smooth and soft foam surface makes this switch suitable for head or cheek activation. Easily fastens to a pillow or wheelchair cushion with safety pin and Velcro.

Circular device with control buttons, time display and switch indication lights.

The PowerLink 4 allows switch users to control up to 2 electrical appliances with single switches.

Black rectangular tablet with 32" screen and control buttons beneath the display.

A braille notetaker and tablet that combines the capabilities of the KeySoft software and the Android 8.1 operating system.

Large rectangular Braille keyboard with four buttons in an arched position on each half of the object.

The Brailliant braille displays are two-way devices that enable users to both access information on a computer or mobile device as well as type on their devices indirectly by using the braille keyboard.

Large rectangular screen attached to a stand with base and crossword on the screen.

A table-top HD-quality electronic magnifier that is available with either a 20-inch or 24-inch LCD display.


Rectangular, handheld device with large display and operating buttons along right side and magnified image of medication on screen.

Electronic handheld magnifiers designed for people with mild to medium-severe low vision who need variable magnification and contrast enhancement.

Small, black semi-circular device with 2 big circular buttons in red and yellow color.

iTalk2 is an AAC system with three levels and four minutes of recording time.