
DEVICE Features

Screenshot of an iOS interface reading "Lightswitch" at the top of the screen and displaying a list of menu options, including "Desk Fan," "Library Lamp," and "Office Fan." Beneath, there is an option slider, that ranges from "Off" to "Level" to"On." The slider is set to "On."

Home automation program with voice commands that may be helpful for individuals with mobility disabilities or spinal cord injury.

Round square with Tense Builder written across the middle in white and yellow letters against a blue background with drawings of grears and Mobile Education Store written across the top in a red border.

An iPad app designed to help children with language delays or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) learn how to identify and use correct tense forms.

Yellow round ball of stretchy noodles on top of a round blue plastic base.

A neon stretchy noodle switch.

Large square cartoon drawing of two smiling animal faces with an open book in the background.

A reading tutorial, story reading and story writing app designed for use by children with cognitive, communication, language or learning disabilities or autism.

Screenshot of a series of a page about learning to brush teeth that feature three images across the upper part of the screen and text as to why it is important.

A story writing and language tutorial program designed for use by parents and teachers working with children with learning, communication, cognitive or hearing disabilities or autism.

Angled view of rectangular black electronic device with a display showing control button choices and sound indicators.

A touch-free music system designed to allow people with physical or developmental disabilities to create music by using sensor technology to translate body movement into sounds.

Cartoon image of a duck standing in a field on top of a menu of eight images of a duck with various facial expressions.

A speech and oral motor skills training app designed for children with Apraxia of Speech, Down syndrome or craniofacial anomalies that experience difficulties with their oral motor skills.

Screenshot of language development screen showing five images and a prompt to select the one that matches the question.

A visual learning and assessment system designed for use by parents, teachers, and language development specialists for children with communication, learning, cognitive, speech, or physical disabilities or autism.

Screenshot showing scrolling wheels for parts of a sentence at the top and an image with menu options on the lower half of the screen.

Language apps designed to help children with special needs learn how to build grammatically correct sentences. 

Screenshot with a drawing of a scene in a home and an onscreen keyboard below.

A  communication tool for those with autism, aphasia, apraxia, developmental disabilities or anyone wanting to enhance receptive language or visual memory.