
Access to Education

Accessibility tools for the classroom or homework.
A black square with a cut-out at the top, similar to that of a clipboard, with the universal "hearing-impaired" symbol in the center.

Loop amplification system that can be used anywhere, with no installation.

A medium-sized, black device resembling a Braille notetaker with a hinged cover that folds down. There is an LCD display panel at the top, and underneath it, there is a QWERTY keyboard and various menu buttons.

Electronic, voice-output dictionary designed to enhance language and vocabulary skills for sixth grade or older students with cognitive disability or speech impairment, or who are blind or have low vision.

Screenshot of handwritten text next to a transcription software dialogue on a Windows computer.

A range of software AAC and captioning software, specifically designed for individuals with communication disabilities, and individuals who are Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, and have difficulty writing/typing, speaking, and/or reading.

A small, round, and dark blue pillow cushion with a grey cord attached.

A small, lightweight speaker enclosed in a pillow cushion.

Book cover with images of young children engaged in various activities.

A reference guide and ePub to alternative solutions that support student actions when adaptations are required for communicating, moving, learning, and/or generally engaging in the classroom.

Several different models of voice recorders. They resemble small, thin, rectangular devices similar to USB drives. Three of them feature small LCD displays and various menu buttons.

Small, portable recording devices that allow the user to record themselves or others speaking and playback the recording wherever they are. 

Side view of tablet-sized device with colorful grid of symbols on the display screen.

A portable, lightweight, speech-generating device that includes the Mind Express software with SymbolStix symbols.

Large rectangular monitor displaying a magnified puzzle with open magazine resting on the stand below it.

A foldable digital magnifier designed for seniors and elementary students that enables users to read documents, textbooks, and newspapers as well as to write down notes.

Small handheld phone with display showing an image of milk being poured into a cereal bowl.

A cognitive aid, prompter, and job aid designed for use by individuals with cognitive and memory disabilities or brain injury.