
Adaptive or Assistive Products

Tools that allow a person with a disability to do things that able-bodied people do without help (other than computer access or communication aids)
Cover image featuring a drawing of a male and female teen each holding a camera and on the right is a list of topics.

CD-ROM-based programs that teach older children with autism and special needs (of cognitive age 8-18) acceptable behaviors and language using real-life video scenarios.

Cartoon image of a duck standing in a field on top of a menu of eight images of a duck with various facial expressions.

A speech and oral motor skills training app designed for children with Apraxia of Speech, Down syndrome or craniofacial anomalies that experience difficulties with their oral motor skills.

Round green square with drawing of boy with blond hair holding up his right arm and making an ASL sign.

A series of sign language training apps designed for use by individuals with hearing disabilities and others desiring to learn American Sign Language.

Screenshot of man in green long sleeve shirt making an ASL sign with two hands.

A sign language training program designed for use by individuals with hearing or communication disabilities and others desiring to learn sign language that provides sign language instruction in 3D.

Screenshot of language development screen showing five images and a prompt to select the one that matches the question.

A visual learning and assessment system designed for use by parents, teachers, and language development specialists for children with communication, learning, cognitive, speech, or physical disabilities or autism.

A laptop displaying a Google Drive article, and a smartphone display pictured alongside displaying the same document, demonstrating that Scrible content syncs across devices.

Google Chrome Extension designed to assist with online research. The extension allows users to save information, annotate articles, and organize research directly online without needing to use word processing software or other offline applications.

Rounded yellow square with Communication written across the top, four images of communication in the middle, and app name along the bottom.

A visual symbol training system, a symbolic direct selection communicator program, and a communicator training program designed for use by teachers or parents working with children who have cognitive, communication, or speech disabilities or autism.


Screenshot showing scrolling wheels for parts of a sentence at the top and an image with menu options on the lower half of the screen.

Language apps designed to help children with special needs learn how to build grammatically correct sentences. 

Screenshot showing a scrolling wheel at the top with a series of sentences and a colorful drawing of a green fish about to eat a smaller yellow fish on the bottom.

A language and reading tutorial app designed for use by parents and teachers working with children with low vision, learning, communication, cognitive or hearing disabilities or autism.

Cover of DVD with a picture of a young boy smiling in the center surrounded by an orange border with hands-on each corner. At the bottom right are the covers of two books.

Sign language video programs designed to demonstrate storytelling techniques for parents who have children with hearing disabilities. Each DVD set features at least one classic story spoken aloud and signed in American Sign Language (ASL).