
Adaptive or Assistive Products

Tools that allow a person with a disability to do things that able-bodied people do without help (other than computer access or communication aids)
Oxford Dictionary of English Logo is a square with the name written in white letters on a blue background under which is a wave of red and green colors.

Dictionary iOS app with audio pronunciations.

Cover image of software.

A program that is designed to create and use a wide range of activities that include "question and answer" options for the user.

A turquoise-colored on-screen keyboard with a small drop-down list of words in the upper-right corner.

On-screen keyboard software that allows the user to control the computer and can be used for alternative communication.

My Choice Pad logo featuring a purple square with a 3x3 grid of colorful squares inside it. This icon is followed by the name, My Choice Pad which is written without spaces.

An educational software and mobile technology tool to build language development and communication skills for users with learning and language disabilities. It utilizes Makaton symbols, signs and signing videos in addition to the user's own photos and audio.

A screenshot of a Window with a list of e-speaking commands in alphabetical order with menu buttons above and buttons below to print, train word, edit and delete from the list.

A voice recognition software to control the computer, dictate emails and letters, limiting the needed number of user keystrokes, and to have the computer read documents back aloud.


A text to speech software. Copy text to a clipboard to have it read out to you in a separate viewing pane with customiseable fonts, colours and word tracking.

Spubble Lite vocal output selection menu showing a large speech bubble at top and simply drawn icons below it: a house, Welcome, 123, and an apple.

An augmentative and alternative communication app for Apple iOS and Android mobile devices. 


A Windows software that allows users to "read" single and double-sided Braille documents with a standard scanner. The retrieved information is presented as the text that can be used in all types of Windows applications.

Screenshot of ZoomIt dialogue window, reading "After toggling Zoomit you can zoom in with the mouse wheel or up and down arrow keys.  Exit zoom mode with Escape or by pressing the right mouse button."

ZoomIt is a screen zoom and annotation tool for technical presentations that include application demonstrations.

Wordtalk toolbar in a long horizontal strip with a series of letters and symbols.

A free text-to-speech plugin developed for use with versions of Microsoft Word from Word 97 up to Word 2016. It speaks the text of the document and highlights it as it speaks.