
Computer Access and Use (PC, Tablet, eBook)

Products that make information devices easier to control or use to perform tasks.
Symbol for Windows symbols menu showing a 4x3 grid of pictures featuring heads drawn with speech or thought bubbles and food items.

A collection of symbol databases. Some are intended for therapists and other assistants. Modules for disabled users can be operated by one or more switches, as well as by the mouse and keyboard.

AutoHotkey logo with the name written in a purple text font on a transparent blue rectangle that sits atop a keyboard.

A free, open-source macro-creation and automation software for Windows that allows users to automate repetitive tasks, such as form fillers, auto-clicking, macros, etc.

HiDOM SmartSet app opened on two iPhones. One phone display shows the temperature with buttons to increase in red or decrease, which is white. The other phone has a large blue button with a light bulb on it surrounded by 4 arrows, one each at the four compass points.

A home automation application for iPod Touch and iPhone for wireless or remote control of buttons, selectors, thermostats, etc. for the home automation systems.

Display screen showing text in Italian that says, "This is my notebook on which I can write everything I want and I can also do operations, 13 + 7 = 20"

A simplified word processing program that replicates on the screen the structure of a notebook and is intended for users who are disabled or children. 

Upright square metallic box with padded feet and 1 clearly marked switch and 2 different ports on the box's side. Beneath the metallic portion of the box are two colorful stripes, the top one much thicker than the bottom.

A control switch input interface that gives people with limited upper body mobility access to touchscreen devices.

A black rectangular box that has four inputs for joysticks on shorter end and wires protrude from both longer ends.

A controller emulator (joypad) to the Sony PlayStation console. It is meant for those who can not or find it difficult to use the controllers (joypad) on the market.

Kurzweil 3000 opened on a laptop and tablet device.

Αn educational software designed to provide literacy support for those who struggle with literacy in the classroom, at home, or in the workplace.

ClipTalk screenshot describing what ClipTalk does and that it is Open Source Assistive Technology Software that "may be freely copied or given to others."

Full Measure ClipTalk automatically speaks text that is copied to the Windows clipboard (e.g. with Right Click -> Copy or Ctrl+C). Speech is supplied using the Microsoft SAPI software that is included with Windows XP and Vista. 

Nuance logo.

A text-to-speech engine that is well suited for presenting dynamic content. 

Stylized image of blue radio with an antenna on right and musical note on left.

QualiRADIO is the radio program of the QualiWORLD software platform.