
Display computer output

Accommodation of visual output on-screen or printed to meet the needs of those with sensory limitations.
A flat, white rectangular device with a USB port and power switch on the left hand end. The center is made up of black braille cells. There are six function keys: three left and three to the right of the braille display.

A 40-cell braille display for computer users in need of a compact, lightweight solution for use with computers at home, work, or school. Vario 340 is a Human Interface Device (HID), which means a driver does not need to be installed to use it.

Screenshot of Image Selector menu and slide projector image is shown on left with other image selection options on the right.

A symbolic language picture program designed for use by individuals with cognitive, communication, or speech disabilities.

A bright green software box with the words "PharmaBraille" at the top in black font and white circle graphics meant to represent Braille dots below.

Braille translation program designed to produce braille medication labels for use by individuals who are blind or have low vision.

Image of a Perkins-style braille editor.

A free braille editor for Windows and Macintosh computers.

A medium-sized brown device resembling an electric typewriter next to a large white device resembling a scanner.

Dual braille/print printing system designed for individuals who are blind or have low vision.

Screenshot of program running in Windows interface displaying various line graphics and line/bar graphs on a graphing paper background. A vertical menu bar runs down the lefthand side of the screen.

Braille graphics program designed to produce braille graphics for individuals who are blind or have low vision.

An illustration of black magnifying glass, with the words "MagniTalk" stretched over it.

Voice-input program designed for use individuals with low vision.

Vertical rectangular screenshot of text highlighted and magnified in a small red box and with red check mark next to it.

An iOS magnification app designed for use by individuals with low vision that lets them pinch the screen and zoom into an object.

An outline drawing of a dolphin with both English and braille printed around the graphic.

Braille signmaking graphics program with a "text smart" Braille translator, which automatically converts English text into Grade 2 Braille.