
Eye Tracking

Just look at your intended choice
Alternative Vocabulary 1: 
eye, mouse, control, eyes, click, pointer, select, movement, tracking, using
Alternative Vocabulary 2: 
screen, movements, cursor, item, software, selection, controlled, visual, gaze, hover, controls, delay, clicking, move, blink, items, time, technology, vision, hands
Alternative Vocabulary 3: 
settings, tracker, device, accessibility, controlling, eye-tracking, auto, free, delayed, pause, clicker, selecting, motion, blinking, computers, options, system, ocular, dwell, clicks, without, devices, instead, visually, sight, eyesight, eyegaze, point, things, track, selector, timed, disabled, hands-free, assistive, input, navigate, focus, sensor, double, solution, best
Alternative Vocabulary 4: 
web, cam, adaptive, alternatives, tech, allows, eye-movement, adjustment, keeping, period, still, detection, stationary, timer, hold, assistance, virtual, something, program, twice, activate, second, camera, scanning, better, laser, interface, left, right, operated, facial, recognition, precision, pointers, hardware, eye-controlled, alternative, solutions, google, controller, look, usage, auto-click, holding, touch, duration, text, eye-tracker, specific, stare, lock, keyboard, hovering, features, setting, monitor, tool, windows, assistant, long, retina, optic, automatic, answer, freeze, assisted, tobii, gaming, tips, lou, gehrig's, disease, disability, disorder, pattern, accurate, accuracy, speech, looking, voice, objects, uses
Alternative Vocabulary 5: 
enable, purchase, search, navigation, paraplegic, scroll, operate, possible, physical, arm, accessories, links, buy, commands, time-guided, movement-guided, styles, accessible, stationery, sustained, contact, activation, called, persistence, substitute, stay, wait, moby, actually, know, one, click-on-hold, icon, fixer, steady, bull, sensitivity, stop, avoid, choosing, choose, keep, recalibrate, extend, fast, pick, good, aim, auto-select, ball, wait-on-click, confirm, mode, quick, succession, limit, accidental, normal, triggers, feature, slow, easy, catcher, answers, seconds, accept, certain, grab, non-click, pointer-based, pointer-position, target, calibration, similar, button, full, reviews, finger, trouble, equipment, wink, bind, organizations, profound, dysfunction, command, applications, tools, programs, improve, inaccurate, navigating, websites, just, difficulty, troubleshooting, easily, direction, icons, peripheral, precisely, new, rapid, equals, blinks, problem, closing, functions, action, find, following, replacement, stephen, hawking, opti-key, pceye, tribe, become, option, clickable, blink-controlled, activated, unable, mouseless, precise, follows, handicapped, wand, positioning, phone, intended, spot, seeing, detect, attention, eagle, calibrate, manual, eye-guided, interact, accessing, operation, utilizing, blind, glass, gauge, eyeball, need, emulation, pupil, lets, place, limited, pain, switch, pointing, page, type, optical, eye-computer, coordination, eye-directed, enabled, modification, tracked, systems, tracing, vr, pc's, focused, virtually, optics, guide, traditional, mouses, dealing, unstable, no-hands, physically, disabilities, typing, compare, ada, arrow, body, scrolling, monitoring, handless, entry
Screenshot of internet browser

iAble software was designed and developed to solve communication problems for people with moderate movement disorders and those with severely compromised neuromotor skills. iAble is a system of dedicated interfaces designed and developed for interactive modalities alternative to the ones offered by mouse and keyboard.

A man with one eye closed sitting on a wheelchair infront of a computer using VisionKey

VisionKey is an eye-controlled communication that enables users with severe physical disabilities to type and talk with their eyes. Lightweight and head mounted, VisionKey gives users communication independence and control in their lives by simply "looking" The system also gives them each a voice by enabling them to control a speech synthesizer in the VisionKey unit or on the computer. Now users can write letters, play games, surf the net and listen to multi-media sound just by moving their eyes.

Open Eyes

openEyes is an open-source open-hardware toolkit for low-cost real-time eye tracking.

Laptop with eye-tracking device placed between the laptop keyboard and screen.

An eye-tracking device that attaches to the computer and replaces the standard mouse, enabling users to navigate and control a desktop or laptop computer using only their eyes.

An oblong device with a camera lens at the center and IR-LED spots at either end of the device.

A system that allows the easy integration of flexible gaze-controlled computer systems, which allow people with severe physical handicaps the effective communication and environmental control.

Black colored slim capsule shaped device.

A camera enabling eye-controlled computer operation.

A black laptop displaying a users eyes focused on the screen, with a pop-up menu in the lower-left corner.

Control cursor placement on the computer screen using a person's eyes. MagicEye calculates the user gaze direction and places the mouse cursor on the screen location where the user is focused. 

ITU Gaze tracker setup screen showing an eye centered on a two-axis grid with the pupil colored neon green. Below this picture are tool buttons and to the right is a setup menu for calibrating the pupil location.

A 3D interface for gaze-based interaction and target selection using continuous pan and zoom and is designed as a predictive text entry system.

Black tablet with a camera at its base on a horizontal, adjustable mounting arm.

An eye-operated communication and control system that empowers people with disabilities, Locked-in syndrome, ALS, or other to communicate and interact with the world. 

ITU Gaze Tracker setup screen showing an eye centered on a two-axis grid with the pupil colored neon green. Below this picture are tool buttons and to the right is a setup menu for calibrating the pupil location.

An open-source gaze tracking application.