
Eye Tracking

Just look at your intended choice
Alternative Vocabulary 1: 
eye, mouse, control, eyes, click, pointer, select, movement, tracking, using
Alternative Vocabulary 2: 
screen, movements, cursor, item, software, selection, controlled, visual, gaze, hover, controls, delay, clicking, move, blink, items, time, technology, vision, hands
Alternative Vocabulary 3: 
settings, tracker, device, accessibility, controlling, eye-tracking, auto, free, delayed, pause, clicker, selecting, motion, blinking, computers, options, system, ocular, dwell, clicks, without, devices, instead, visually, sight, eyesight, eyegaze, point, things, track, selector, timed, disabled, hands-free, assistive, input, navigate, focus, sensor, double, solution, best
Alternative Vocabulary 4: 
web, cam, adaptive, alternatives, tech, allows, eye-movement, adjustment, keeping, period, still, detection, stationary, timer, hold, assistance, virtual, something, program, twice, activate, second, camera, scanning, better, laser, interface, left, right, operated, facial, recognition, precision, pointers, hardware, eye-controlled, alternative, solutions, google, controller, look, usage, auto-click, holding, touch, duration, text, eye-tracker, specific, stare, lock, keyboard, hovering, features, setting, monitor, tool, windows, assistant, long, retina, optic, automatic, answer, freeze, assisted, tobii, gaming, tips, lou, gehrig's, disease, disability, disorder, pattern, accurate, accuracy, speech, looking, voice, objects, uses
Alternative Vocabulary 5: 
enable, purchase, search, navigation, paraplegic, scroll, operate, possible, physical, arm, accessories, links, buy, commands, time-guided, movement-guided, styles, accessible, stationery, sustained, contact, activation, called, persistence, substitute, stay, wait, moby, actually, know, one, click-on-hold, icon, fixer, steady, bull, sensitivity, stop, avoid, choosing, choose, keep, recalibrate, extend, fast, pick, good, aim, auto-select, ball, wait-on-click, confirm, mode, quick, succession, limit, accidental, normal, triggers, feature, slow, easy, catcher, answers, seconds, accept, certain, grab, non-click, pointer-based, pointer-position, target, calibration, similar, button, full, reviews, finger, trouble, equipment, wink, bind, organizations, profound, dysfunction, command, applications, tools, programs, improve, inaccurate, navigating, websites, just, difficulty, troubleshooting, easily, direction, icons, peripheral, precisely, new, rapid, equals, blinks, problem, closing, functions, action, find, following, replacement, stephen, hawking, opti-key, pceye, tribe, become, option, clickable, blink-controlled, activated, unable, mouseless, precise, follows, handicapped, wand, positioning, phone, intended, spot, seeing, detect, attention, eagle, calibrate, manual, eye-guided, interact, accessing, operation, utilizing, blind, glass, gauge, eyeball, need, emulation, pupil, lets, place, limited, pain, switch, pointing, page, type, optical, eye-computer, coordination, eye-directed, enabled, modification, tracked, systems, tracing, vr, pc's, focused, virtually, optics, guide, traditional, mouses, dealing, unstable, no-hands, physically, disabilities, typing, compare, ada, arrow, body, scrolling, monitoring, handless, entry
Screenshot showing a split screen, with an image of user's eyes on the left and an on-screen keyboard on the right.

Software that enables people with severe disabilities to control a computer mouse with only the movement of their pupil or blinking.

A monitor with IntelliGaze functions that have typed out the word "hello" while a user gazes at the screen.

A module that makes it possible to operate all the functions of a PC using eye movements. It is designed for people with limited motor skills or many involuntary movements. 

Screenshot of a menu featuring various icons overlayed across the right-hand side of a desktop home screen.

Eye-controlled communicator program and mouse emulator designed for use by individuals with speech or communication disabilities and severe physical or neurological disabilities.

Screenshot of software showing menu of buttons on left and image of plans on right.

Software that when combined with an eye tracker enables computer access on a Windows PC via eye gaze and switch input, replacing the standard keyboard and mouse. 

Long, thin, and black horizontal bar with a green sensor dot in the center.

Eye trackers with a magnetic mount for universal mounting.

Display screen showing Mesa Ideas logo.

A lightweight eye-control system designed for wheelchair and tabletop use that features a removable binocular system.

EASYeyes menu options showing in the middle a green circle with eyes. This is surrounded by square keys showing Windows, pause, system's gears, telephone, a ringing bell, and a large red button.

An ocular pointing system for communication and computer access.

Eye gaze camera bar with camera in center.

An eye gaze camera designed to fit under any flat screen monitor or laptop screen.

4C eye tracking bar mounted to bottom of PC screen.

The Tobii Eye Tracker 4C attaches to the bottom of a computer screen and complements the use of a keyboard and mouse, enabling people to use their gaze as an additional input for computer interactions and gaming and increased accessibility.

A screenshot of a user using CiaoMundo's 5-letter, eye-controlled keyboard with predictive type. The screen shows 5 symbols, "a," "o," a small triangle, and "i."

An eye pointer system for people who, due to severe trauma or as a consequence of degenerative diseases find themselves in a condition of total immobility that enables them to communicate, to write, and to manage the entire computer using their eyes.