
Eye Tracking

Just look at your intended choice
Alternative Vocabulary 1: 
eye, mouse, control, eyes, click, pointer, select, movement, tracking, using
Alternative Vocabulary 2: 
screen, movements, cursor, item, software, selection, controlled, visual, gaze, hover, controls, delay, clicking, move, blink, items, time, technology, vision, hands
Alternative Vocabulary 3: 
settings, tracker, device, accessibility, controlling, eye-tracking, auto, free, delayed, pause, clicker, selecting, motion, blinking, computers, options, system, ocular, dwell, clicks, without, devices, instead, visually, sight, eyesight, eyegaze, point, things, track, selector, timed, disabled, hands-free, assistive, input, navigate, focus, sensor, double, solution, best
Alternative Vocabulary 4: 
web, cam, adaptive, alternatives, tech, allows, eye-movement, adjustment, keeping, period, still, detection, stationary, timer, hold, assistance, virtual, something, program, twice, activate, second, camera, scanning, better, laser, interface, left, right, operated, facial, recognition, precision, pointers, hardware, eye-controlled, alternative, solutions, google, controller, look, usage, auto-click, holding, touch, duration, text, eye-tracker, specific, stare, lock, keyboard, hovering, features, setting, monitor, tool, windows, assistant, long, retina, optic, automatic, answer, freeze, assisted, tobii, gaming, tips, lou, gehrig's, disease, disability, disorder, pattern, accurate, accuracy, speech, looking, voice, objects, uses
Alternative Vocabulary 5: 
enable, purchase, search, navigation, paraplegic, scroll, operate, possible, physical, arm, accessories, links, buy, commands, time-guided, movement-guided, styles, accessible, stationery, sustained, contact, activation, called, persistence, substitute, stay, wait, moby, actually, know, one, click-on-hold, icon, fixer, steady, bull, sensitivity, stop, avoid, choosing, choose, keep, recalibrate, extend, fast, pick, good, aim, auto-select, ball, wait-on-click, confirm, mode, quick, succession, limit, accidental, normal, triggers, feature, slow, easy, catcher, answers, seconds, accept, certain, grab, non-click, pointer-based, pointer-position, target, calibration, similar, button, full, reviews, finger, trouble, equipment, wink, bind, organizations, profound, dysfunction, command, applications, tools, programs, improve, inaccurate, navigating, websites, just, difficulty, troubleshooting, easily, direction, icons, peripheral, precisely, new, rapid, equals, blinks, problem, closing, functions, action, find, following, replacement, stephen, hawking, opti-key, pceye, tribe, become, option, clickable, blink-controlled, activated, unable, mouseless, precise, follows, handicapped, wand, positioning, phone, intended, spot, seeing, detect, attention, eagle, calibrate, manual, eye-guided, interact, accessing, operation, utilizing, blind, glass, gauge, eyeball, need, emulation, pupil, lets, place, limited, pain, switch, pointing, page, type, optical, eye-computer, coordination, eye-directed, enabled, modification, tracked, systems, tracing, vr, pc's, focused, virtually, optics, guide, traditional, mouses, dealing, unstable, no-hands, physically, disabilities, typing, compare, ada, arrow, body, scrolling, monitoring, handless, entry
Monitor on rolling mount with six images on its screen.

Hardware and software bundle designed for classroom use.

Eyegaze tracker mounted to bottom of monitor with virtual keyboard displayed on monitor.

A device that allows an eye gaze user the same access to any standard Windows application as their peers who are using the keyboard and mouse. Also gives access to environmental controls.

Three software packages: Choosing and Learning, Exploring and Playing, and Attention and Looking EyeGaze software. The software boxes are black with the titles printed in turquoise.

Software bundle that helps teach young users how to use eye gaze technology.

Blue and white rectangular EyeGaze Education box with images of the eyegaze tracking bar and the three software packages included.

Software and hardware bundle for educators to teach children how to use eye-gaze technology.

Long, rectangular eye-tracking device attached to bottom of laptop screen.

The PCEye Explore provides young or inexperienced users with a simple way to learn how to use eye tracking and gaze interaction, while at the same time preparing them for augmentative and alternative communication.

Long rectangular eye-tracking device attached to bottom of tablet.

A package of hardware and software that allows for completely hands-free access to a tablet computer and gives individuals with physical and communication impairments the ability to navigate, control and access apps, Internet, music, e-books, social media, and games.

A desktop computer with a flat, rectangular device roughly the size of a keyboard plugged in.

Eye tracking, Dictation, Switch and IR in one product. The PCEye replaces the standard keyboard and mouse, allowing you to navigate and control your laptop or small screen desktop computer using only your eyes.

Eyeglasses with attachment on side and bottom of the left lens.

A communication system through the eyes, for people with extreme mobility and communication limitations. EyeSpeak consists of a pair of glasses on which a virtual keyboard is displayed. A micro camera detects the position and the movement of the eyes, identifying at which key the user is looking.

White thin rectangular device labeled Eyeblinker 2.

An Environmental control system that is operated by eye blinks without the need for another physical movement. 

An oblong device with one central button mounted to the underside of a monitor. 

An eye tracking camera and an alternative PC mouse input system.