
Student tools for the classroom

Tools and materials to support student activities in the classroom
A TTY device resembling an electric typewriter. The keys and display panel are black, while the device body is off-white.

A TTY/TDD with a printer for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.

A TTY device resembling an electric typewriter. The keys and display panel are black, while the device body is off-white.

TTY/TDD with a printer for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Screenshot of Windows program with a white text box on the left and a menu pane on the right. There is also a menu bar across the top of the screen.

Voice-output program designed for use by individuals with low vision.

Angled view of a large black headset with a camera lens on the right.

A wearable headset that allows the vision-impaired to see more clearly. It is designed to help users overcome many low vision conditions.

Screenshot of software menu with a large image of a yellow lock, opened, and a black key hole.

Software that enables users to create tactile graphics for people who can not see. Blind people can read the graphics by touch and interpret the tactile material.

Small rectangular electronic device with black frame and LCD display showing lines of enlarged text.

A handheld video magnifier that features a 7” LCD screen with anti-glare coating, an HD camera, and a built-in stand.

MultiView HD magnifying text from a magazine on to the monitor. The text is yellow on a black background.

Portable video magnifier that adapts to multiple environments and tasks for productivity at school, work, and at home.

Rounded green square with with Turn Taking written on top and one yellow and one red button underneath with an arrow pointing at the yellow button.

The Turn Taking iPad apps are designed for all students who require reinforcement of their turn taking skills by having two students alternate pressing their prompts to uncover a picture.

Screenshot of a desktop showing three programs is smaller windows arranged across the screen.

Desktop Maker enables users to create customized desktops that launch Windows programs for students with special needs.

Screenshot showing image of a boy eating cereal at the top and three image blocks along the bottom with a pointer places images in each.

A Windows-based program developed specifically for students with special needs that focuses on the cognitive skill of arranging pictures in a chronological sequence.