
Operability of Controls/Connections

An iPhone in a holding cradle that is attached to a bendable arm. On the screen is displayed a yellow arc with a needle arrow pointing to a segment as a measurement.

Apps to control iOS devices using a wheelchair's joystick. 

Icons with menu options, including pause gaze point, hide mouse cursor, turn on click, and settings.

An entry-level eye-tracking software that lets users splat, smudge, reveal, paint, play, draw, make music and more. Gaze Point allows the user to control the mouse cursor and to make single mouse clicks. 

A treble clef music symbol with an "at" sign placed inside the bottom loop.

A voice recognition software that includes 6 modules suitable for the blind, the visually impaired, and those with motor impairments and language disorders.

A woman with her face outlined in white to demonstrate the tracking gesture.

A Mouse control software that was designed to support the less experienced audience in the world of the web or those with motor difficulties that make the use of mouse and keyboard complex.

Standard glove with a small orange scanner attached to the back of it.

A scanner that gives confirmatory and corrective feedback instantly. It is a wearable that enables hands-free scanning in diverse workspaces.

A black and a red cell phone with raised number pads.

A fully vocalized 4G LTE phone with a physical keyboard and 23 applications, including Voice control and Text dictation. The keyboard has big, well-spaced, tangible buttons.

A large green circle with "rt" written in red lower case letters. Extending beyond the green circle, imaged in the background, is a large thick red "X".

An accessible, real-time reaction-based game for Android for anyone, whether fully-sighted or not.


The side-view of a young boy sitting in front of a computer with a colorful screen image of people standing in the grass. The user has electrodes on his temple and forehead.

A mouse replacement system that enables communication and learning primarily for individuals whose only controlled muscular movement is their eyes. 

Partial view of a wheelchair is shown with a large button-switch attached to a screen, both mounted at the end of the armrest. The screen is blue with a small built-in antenna.

A complete control system of the environment and communication systems through the user's wheelchair, regardless of the user's minimum mobility.

The Easy Rider graphic display is shown with a green screen and an icon menu. There are two nodules at the bottom for a connecting wire and to the wheelchair or tripod.

A complete control system with an extensive range of control options for the wheelchair and environment via infrared transmission and radio waves. Regardless of the user's limited motor possibilities, it is possible to control the environment from the wheelchair, bed or seat.