
Access Conventional Educational Materials

Modifications to conventional materials to allow full access.
Off We Go!: Going to the Dentist

Interactive digital books designed to prepare children with intellectual disabilities or autism for everyday experiences and improve language and social skills in a fun and practical way.

Slate blue square with an angled view of a drawing of a book with three characters on the top and the name of the program across the top.

A reading program and book authoring tool designed for use by students with special needs.

Screenshot of subtraction problem across the top, a pile of pumpkins on the left, and three possible answers on the left.

A math skills tutorial app designed for use by parents or teachers working with children with developmental disabilities or autism.

Collage of a drawing of many children's faces arranged in a large circle against a yellow background.

A preschool multimedia duplicatable educational curriculum designed to teach children of all abilities to appreciate learning and make good decisions.

Rectangular image block with a colorful drawing of five goofy characters and the program's name spelled out across the top with different colored letters.

An interactive educational app for use by children with communication, developmental or learning disabilities or autism spectrum disorder that will help them learn their ABCs and build their vocabulary.

Screenshot showing a drawing of a boy signing in the upper left and a large computer with a keyboard in the center.

An educational game designed for use by children who are deaf or hard of hearing that enhances vocabulary and teaches fingerspelling and phonics skills.

Screenshot of a colorful iPad app displaying the letters "A," "B," "C," and "D." To the left, a cartoon illustration of a boy character points to the letters.

A pre-reading tutorial iOS app designed for use by parents or teachers working with children with developmental disabilities or autism. This app allows a parent or teacher to teach a child to recognize uppercase letters.

Serotek logo of company name and red circle with white curved stripe and Accessibility, Anywhere written below it.

A cloud-based, accessible, scanning and reading program for the blind and visually impaired that works with both Windows and the Mac.

Fifteen colorful software boxes staggered standing next to each other.

An assortment of 15 early learning and special education interactive software created for switch use. Each program includes accessibility controls for switch use.

Fourteen colorful software boxes staggered standing next to each other.

A blend of programs compatible with interactive whiteboards, TAP•it, and the Intended Touch Platform that are designed to reach students with profound and multiple learning disabilities.