
iOS devices

Works with phones and tablets from Apple, Inc.
LetMeTalk logo.

A free AAC talker app supports communication in all areas of life and therefore providing a voice to everyone.

App interface with command keys on the bottom left and a search bar along the top left.

A free, browser-based TTS app for converting text to speech. Since the app runs in the browser, it works independently of the operating system used.

He hajo app menu featuring four rectangular buttons with the options speak, memory, photos, and agenda.

An app designed for use by individuals with an impairment in communication (Augmentative and Alternative Communication; AAC). Communication is possible with the use of pictograms, while a calendar helps with daily activities.

An aac board on a tablet screen.

Grid Player is a free Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) app that helps people who cannot speak to communicate, including those who use symbols or whose speech is unclear. 

PDF reader in two smartphones at two different zoom levels.

An iOS PDF reader app that uses the user's face to scroll and zoom PDF documents. No pinching or tapping is needed to zoom PDF documents. 

Screenshot of Eline Speaks featuring an on-screen keyboard and large icon buttons.

An alternative communication app that helps people with disabilities communicate with ease.

Eline Sagt logo showing a large capital E with each leg of the letter in a color of dark blue, light blue, green, and red.

A language application that works using a grid with icons, pictures or photos. When touching a tile, the iPad speaks like a full-fledged speech computer.

App and user interface

Assitive app for people with aphasia.

Screenshot of ClaroCom keyboard with word prediction on iPad.

ClaroCom is a mobile device app designed for AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication). The app helps to replace speech or assist writing for those with impairments in the production or comprehension of spoken or written language.

Board Builder app icon

A communication app for the iPad used to build communication boards with voice output.