
Synthesized Voice

An icon of a mobile phone placed over a book to demonstrate text shown on the phone.

A professional text-to-speech program that converts any written text into spoken words. Upload text and documents or convert to mp3 to listen to anywhere anytime.

ModelTalker logo

ModelTalker is a speech synthesis software designed to benefit people who are losing or who have already lost their ability to speak. It allows people to create a personalised and unique synthetic voice that is representative of their own or of a family member's voice. This personalised synthetic voice can then be used on speech generating devices with a speech output software or app.

Letter board displayed on computer with gray background and black type.

Communication program for people with visual impairments.

LetMeTalk logo.

A free AAC talker app supports communication in all areas of life and therefore providing a voice to everyone.

IVONA logo

IVONA provides TTS voices for your Android device.

He hajo app menu featuring four rectangular buttons with the options speak, memory, photos, and agenda.

An app designed for use by individuals with an impairment in communication (Augmentative and Alternative Communication; AAC). Communication is possible with the use of pictograms, while a calendar helps with daily activities.

Handwritten text on tablet with the typed version of the text above it.

A handwriting-to-speech application for iOS devices, HandySpeech provides people with speech and hearing disabilities a quick and easy conversational tool. The application remembers frequently used phrases, learns the user’s handwriting style, understands cursive, print and mixed writing styles and contains a dictionary for unusual words.

An aac board on a tablet screen.

Grid Player is a free Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) app that helps people who cannot speak to communicate, including those who use symbols or whose speech is unclear. 

App icon of a book, a screenshot of the navigation menu with various words, and a screenshot of word choices, some with related icons next to them.

An app that has been specially developed for aphasia patients who have difficulty finding words but are still able to read at the word level. With over 3,000 words and phrases conveniently classified, and a worksheet on which words can be combined, this is a tool for conversing. 

Eyeglasses with attachment on side and bottom of the left lens.

A communication system through the eyes, for people with extreme mobility and communication limitations. EyeSpeak consists of a pair of glasses on which a virtual keyboard is displayed. A micro camera detects the position and the movement of the eyes, identifying at which key the user is looking.