
Augmentative Communication Devices

Tools to be used in addition to, or in place of, normal spoken communication in the classroom.
Alternative Vocabulary 1: 
speech, communication, text, software, communicate, voice, touch
Alternative Vocabulary 2: 
picture, talk, screen, using, speak, pictures, device, image, without, assistive, words, alternative, disability, augmentative, visual
Alternative Vocabulary 3: 
keyboard, nonverbal, technology, aac, disabled, impaired, email, messaging, audio, tool, accessibility, read, aloud, computers, language, devices, programs, instant, options, non, communicator, output, type, input, others, interface, reader, content, app, communications
Alternative Vocabulary 4: 
talking, non-verbal, touchscreen, typing, translator, program, speechless, replacement, select, message, feature, control, communicating, generating, text-to-speech, word, apps, messages, applications, commands, translate, convert, assistance, replace, board, easy, mute, replacer, learning, speaks, alternate, speaking, assistant, impairment, find, verbal, spoken, pictographs, controlling, inability, key, auto, correct, ways, keys, specs, free, converter, eye, methods, chat, direct, voiceless, assisted, messenger, alternatives, exchange, tools, replacing, back
Alternative Vocabulary 5: 
driven, silent, navigation, action, selected, based, generation, ac, electronic, mobile, text-to-voice, voicing, code, techniques, computer-assisted, communicative, friendly, game, supplement, panel, made, pictorial, icon, extract, see, chatty, choose, tablet, maker, turn, communicates, users, click, method, tts, dictate, express, stephen, hawking, recognition, controls, command, selection, bypassing, images, speakers, visuals, digital, non-speech, cognitive, speaker, learner, substitution, audible, item, instead, narration, tap, on-screen, graphical, cognition, simplified, simplify, developmentally, delayed, auditory, pointer, accessible, vocalize, just, referenced, includes, spell, predictive, unable, strategies, generator, wireless, mouse, dedicated, gaze, tracking, prediction, macros, adaptive, keyboards, impairments, symbols, simple, earphones, hear, friends, ability, connect, pad, solutions, technologies, portable, service, transform, text-to-audio, slurred, disorder, video, calling, texting, across, wait, typed, press, enter, send, im, compose, search, acoustic, rooms, messengers, e-mail, organizations, assisting, written, turning, repeat, delay, eyes, deaf, functionality, multiple, languages, automatically, sticky, smart, phone, automated, sending, systems
A large, round yellow smiling face inside a black circle with a small vertical bar of three squares on the lower left.

A resource for teaching, communication, and literacy development that features more than 40,000 colorful symbols designed for children with communication disabilities to allow them to communicate easier with others.

Long rectangular block with product name and a three line list of features on the left, and a tablet display showing two women's faces on the right, and two more displays behind that.

An assistive communication SIP-based tool for people who are deaf and hearing impaired that works with iPad and Android tablets to offer "total conversation," which includes video, audio, and text.

Screenshot of a communications board showing a 2x3 grid of colorful images.

A free set of tools designed for alternative and augmentative communication that facilitates functional communication through the use of images and pictograms for people with communication disabilities.

Screenshot of sentence construction function, with three columns of word choices on the bottom and sentence window on the top.

A free program optimized for use on tablet computers, designed for people who have problems speaking. It can have the user's common phrases spoken by the default voice on the tablet PC. 

Screenshot of main menu, with four, long, horizontally stacked bars representing function options.

A free and open source Android application that turns a phone or tablet into an inexpensive augmentative and alternative communication device.

Screenshot of main screen showing 4x4 grid of communications options, such as "I'm Hungry" and "Thank you."

A communication system for people with physical disabilities such as cerebral palsy. It can also be used for learning to read and write and to facilitate the use and control of computers.

A white computer monitor displaying a web article with various portions of the text highlighted.

Voice output, web browser, and text editor programs intended to help individuals with learning disabilities to read, write, study, and comprehend text more effectively.

MultiView HD magnifying text from a magazine on to the monitor. The text is yellow on a black background.

Portable video magnifier that adapts to multiple environments and tasks for productivity at school, work, and at home.

Rounded green square with with Turn Taking written on top and one yellow and one red button underneath with an arrow pointing at the yellow button.

The Turn Taking iPad apps are designed for all students who require reinforcement of their turn taking skills by having two students alternate pressing their prompts to uncover a picture.

Screenshot of a desktop showing three programs is smaller windows arranged across the screen.

Desktop Maker enables users to create customized desktops that launch Windows programs for students with special needs.