
Computer Access and Use (PC, Tablet, eBook)

Products that make information devices easier to control or use to perform tasks.
Screenshot of the ClaroRead toolbar.

ClaroRead is designed to be a simple, easy-to-use, and flexible software program that helps you to read, write, and study. It also lets you read aloud scanned paper books and documents.

Penfriend XP word prediction screen with word options below a sentence.

Word prediction, speech feedback, and on-screen keyboard for Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP.

A blue software interface that is currently magnified, with an options menu at the bottom.

Screen magnifier software, which features magnification from 2x up to 64x.

Kurzweil 1000 Reading Software on a laptop displaying text that is under a document camera. The text is magnified and shown on the computer screen.

A text aloud device that also makes printed or electronic text accessible to people with blindness and visual impairments.

USB port with two switch jacks.

The Smartbox Joycable lets users attach one or two 3.5mm switches to a communication aid.

Computer monitor on a stand with display showing the JAWS logo against a white background with the software box standing next to it.

A screen reader for software programs developed for computer users whose vision loss prevents them from seeing screen content or navigating with a mouse.

Biggy cursor options, including arrows, a text cursor (I-beam), and an emoji.

Biggies are large cursors for all programs.

A large rectangular light green keyboard with 3 rows of large colorful buttons: the top square six are numbered; the middle 3 rectangles are marked as Return, space, and backspace delete; on the lower left are 2 round buttons and the lower right has a cluster of 4 keys.

The Portset BrailleKey provides an easy and simple solution for adding a Braille Keyboard to a Personal Computer, Laptop, MAC iPad, and Android Tablet. 

a black computer screen with grey surface mount and a grey back mount to support computer.

A hands-free mouse alternative that allows complete control of a computer by naturally moving the head.

Rectangular device with five ports on the bottom.

Switch Interface Pro 6.0 contains five ports that allow users to plug multiple switches and emulate multiple functions, from a single-click to a return. Users push a button to change function sets. It requires no software and can be used with Windows and Macintosh computers.