
Daily Living

Devices and services to provide support for everyday life.
Wristwatch-sized device with a light green band connected to a black rectangular device with a small black button and a small round silver button.

A wristband designed for individuals who are blind or partially blind that guides users to their destination using only vibrations. The Wayband app must be downloaded before using the device.  

Logo, with large orange letters for viz, followed by an orange uppercase L, and then lowercase le in blue.

An interactive, subscription-based visual learning web platform for educators and administrators designed to give students with special needs an easy-to-use, engaging tool to help them learn the curriculum, develop skills, and demonstrate understanding.

Screenshot of a photo of a child talking on the left and a drawing of a child talking on the right, with two timer counters in between.

A behavior training program designed to teach conversational skills to children with cognitive disabilities.

Photograph of five people in various work outfits, including a chef and a photographer.

A curriculum that teaches students to be responsible for their actions and is designed for use by individuals with learning, cognitive, or vision disabilities.

Screenshot of an iOS interface reading "Lightswitch" at the top of the screen and displaying a list of menu options, including "Desk Fan," "Library Lamp," and "Office Fan." Beneath, there is an option slider, that ranges from "Off" to "Level" to"On." The slider is set to "On."

Home automation program with voice commands that may be helpful for individuals with mobility disabilities or spinal cord injury.

Binder package cover showing teacher holding a notebook and students reading a newspaper and looking at a schedule.

An educational resource designed to help students with special needs and learning differences develop reading skills along with everyday life skills. The package includes a three-ring binder and CD. 

Various product components, including two monitors, two computer towers, a foot pedal, and a steering wheel.

A driving simulator and assessment and evaluation system designed for use by an occupational therapist (OT) to assess patients in rehabilitation hospitals and clinics.

Cartoon image of a duck standing in a field on top of a menu of eight images of a duck with various facial expressions.

A speech and oral motor skills training app designed for children with Apraxia of Speech, Down syndrome or craniofacial anomalies that experience difficulties with their oral motor skills.

Square image with a vine and floral border and a Russian figure in the bottom left and hands using sign language in the background.

A sign language program designed for use by individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing that translates between four languages: written Russian and English, as well as Russian Sign Language and American Sign Language.

Angled view of software box showing images of various design projects and product printed across the middle.

A drawing and graphics program that allows for the creation of posters, calendars, banners, newsletters, and greeting cards for individuals with a physical disability.